Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Technicolors @ Black Cat June 12th 2013

The Technicolors are midway through their East Coast tour and their show at Black Cat in DC was notable, to say the least. Their set list brought a perfect mix of their slower songs, as well as a harder rock sound where Mikey Fanizza showed his skill on guitar. Fans were quiet to start but came alive once "To Love" began everyone started to dance. The resemblance to Oasis was uncanny throughout this song. Next up was "Wicked Game," a beautiful song that captivated concertgoers. Brennan Smiley, has an extensive ability to sing the slower songs and the band almost fools you into being on the quiet side. Just wait until the last three songs of their set. Brennan and the guys show their rock roots with"Fake a Smile." The killer riffs and solid beat remind me of Wolfmother. I never would have thought that a band could sound like Wolfmother and Oasis, but The Technicolors pull it off and express a wide range of musical influences which appeals to a myriad of rock music lovers.

"Sweet Time," their single off of their album "Listener" enveloped the crowd and true fans were singing along. To top it all off they played my favorite song, "Hollywood." This song showcases everything I love about them, from great lyrics to a serious beat, and to make it even better they cranked up the speakers to end the night. Although they get compared to other alt-rock bands there is no question that they bring a distinct sound and a wide array of songs on just one album. I look forward to hearing more that they have to offer in future albums and would recommend checking out their live show. They are playing a few clubs in New England and the Midwest to top off their East Coast tour!

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